
Podcast streaming app

Not your regular app to stream podcasts, Caster allows you to create playlists and add bookmarks in every episode - two features that help podcast listeners organize their library better. It’s the Spotify and Audible app for podcasts.


  • Sketch 3, InVision

  • XD, Illustrator, Photoshop


  • Problem Definition, User Research & Analysis

  • Wireframing & Prototyping

  • Visual Design, Design System / Identity Design

  • UX / UI / Product Design



I enjoy listening to podcasts, but I don't do it as frequently since the apps that I use don’t make it easy to organize episodes or add highlights during the episodes when I want to save a snippet for later. I decided to redesign a podcast app for the web & product design course I took while at Pratt Institute. I had to choose a persona, define the goals that I want the app to complete, create a sitemap, and sketch out wireframes before completing the design.


What if there was a podcast app that allows the user to save audio snippets and take notes?

Caster is a mobile app for streaming podcasts that allows you to create your own playlists and add bookmarks from any episode. It has a driver mode that uses simple gestures to quickly pause, play, forward, reverse, and save a clip.



Organize Episodes

Easily access and organize podcasts shows and episodes and ability to create and edit playlists.

Bookmarks & Notes

Mark audio clips, make notes in the episodes, and keep track of them in one location.

Safe Driving

Option to activate Driver Mode with quick functions to avoid distractions and possible car accidents.


Provide a platform where our users can easily discover new shows and episodes without overwhelm.





Users & Audience





Design Process





User Interface Design

I don't know why I chose that terrible neon-green or awkwardly rounded the rectangles in the initial designs. I overthought everything and made wrong decisions because I was new to this and felt daunted by anything UI design. Going through that is part of the process!



Final Design
