Medical | Testing Functional Prototypes
I modeled in CAD four and five pointed star anchors for the retention mechanism of the PEG button (reminder: a PEG button is a tube that is placed through a patient's abdominal wall to feed directly to the stomach or small intestine). After iterating through modeling, 3D printing, and testing (and breaking!), I ended up with a silicone covered mushroom cage retention mechanism, which basically works like a drywall anchor and is based off of a medical research paper in London that uses endoscopic "mushroom cage" tubes that have four tabs (what I call four pointed star anchors).
I also designed the top (or external) part of the button. The goal is to make it look more like an accessory rather than a medical device (if you search "peg tube" you will see what I mean). It should look beautiful yet be comfortable for the patient. Out of the two directions, I decided the soft and rounded base since the other could pinch a swollen stoma (the hole in the abdominal wall) instead of letting it breathe (which was my initial intention).
Final Design
Already sent to the 3D printer! I'll post the final design on my portfolio after I'm done with the final presentations.